Gifts to Impact Center contribute to...
The Impact Center offers a rich variety of experiences that expertly prepare students for the future, by serving as a career catalyst for students and as a connector for employers.
Your gift will help provide and promote comprehensive career education, experiential learning, community partnerships, and student engagement in preparation for employment as well as support for regional workforce and economic development initiatives.
Impact Center receives matching gift from Jeff Gibbs '78!

Jeff Gibbs '78 has recently gotten reconnected with Muskingum and is thrilled by the warm welcome back. There is nothing better than a “Muskie Hi” after a thirty-year absence. Jeff is happy to provide a dollar-for-dollar matching gift up to $5,000 exclusively to support the Impact Center.
336 days ago by Jen Schultice BronnerDonors
View All DonorsMost Recent Donors


David S Briggs

Impact Match

Christy Kaminski-Strum

Kaylee M Anstaett

Jennifer S Wells

Mary Kaufmann


Katie Thompson-Taylor

Eugene Folden
Offered a $2,000 match
Laura DeCoste
Generated 9 clicks and 3 gifts, totaling $1,118
Offered a $250 match
Alan Swank
Offered a $1,000 match
Marjie Burlingame Hancock
Generated 42 clicks and 5 gifts, totaling $320
Offered a $200 match
Offered a $500 match
Laura Yoder DeCoste '94
Generated 39 clicks and 2 gifts, totaling $75
Offered a $250 match
Sarah Olexsak
Generated 4 clicks
Offered a $250 match
Jen Schultice Bronner
Generated 6 clicks and 2 gifts, totaling $100Erin Bauer
Offered a $100 match