Gifts to Area of Greatest Need contribute to...
Your gift to Area of Greatest Need supports Muskingum’s top priorities throughout the year. By entrusting us with a gift in this unrestricted category, you have a direct and immediate impact on all aspects of the university. These gifts allow for the flexibility needed to take advantage of emerging opportunities and to respond quickly to unanticipated needs and challenges.
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View All DonorsMost Recent Donors

Anonymous (TMC#6)

Anonymous (TMC#7-rr)

Chris Huber

Barbara S

Brenda M Schultice

Anonymous (TMC#5)

Brianna Kasinecz

Anonymous (TMC#4)

Bitsi Gourley

Anonymous (TMC#3)
Offered a $2,000 match
Laura DeCoste
Generated 9 clicks and 3 gifts, totaling $1,118
Offered a $250 match
Alan Swank
Offered a $1,000 match
Marjie Burlingame Hancock
Generated 42 clicks and 5 gifts, totaling $320
Offered a $200 match
Offered a $500 match
Laura Yoder DeCoste '94
Generated 39 clicks and 2 gifts, totaling $75
Offered a $250 match
Sarah Olexsak
Generated 4 clicks
Offered a $250 match
Jen Schultice Bronner
Generated 6 clicks and 2 gifts, totaling $100Erin Bauer
Offered a $100 match